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New PC Take one

Robag's picture
Motherboard Asus P8Z77-V LK
CPU Intel i7-2600K
Case Antec 900
Cooler Corsair H60
Power Supply Antec High Current Gamer HCG-900 900W Power Supply
Graphics Card ASUS GeForce GTX 560 DirectCU Video Card – GDDR5 1GB 256-Bit
Graphics Card ASUS GeForce GTX 560 DirectCU Video Card – GDDR5 1GB 256-Bit
DVD Pioneer BlueRay BD-RW
Hard Disk 1 Corsair Force Series GT 60GB Solid State Drive – 2.5
RAM G.Skill Ripjaws-X 8GB Memory Kit 1600mhz DDR3


n0mad's picture


m0rning Robag,

Can I help with Purchasing what st0re U using ?

Antec 900 – Atomic Mag Review


Robag's picture

all is being orderd

from mwave N0mad
the seem to be the best on price, ATM

yep i love my antec 900 cases :D


Fuzz's picture

Pull the trigger!

you know you want to…

Hashy's picture


Hey Robag, what are you intending to recycle from your old system, or is this a new separate build?

Also, congratulations on being able to spell “Blue” correctly, like all those little Sony design monkeys couldn’t do!! ;p

$95.. I want!

Hashy was just given a rude reminder NOT to bite his nails.. Man that stuff tastes like sh!t.. It works tho…

Robag's picture

done done and done

the trigger has been pulled Fuzz


Robag's picture


here is the install of my H60 in my current system
i think i will split up the current monster box, time will tell


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